Friday, March 20, 2009

HATERS.. The worse kind of DUMB BITCH!

Okay .. I fucking hate a hater.. I hate people that try their very best to shoot down the dreams and hopes of others.. just because they have none.. You know the type.. No matter how great your idea may be.. they just have to shit on it!! No matter how good your business plan may be they just have to give you all of the reasons why their DUMB BITCH ASS doesn't think it will work.. I fucking HATE HATERS!! Listen here you DUMB BITCH.. just because your pathetic life is headed no where fast doesn't mean that you should hate on and try to shit on your friend, whose life contrary to your stupid fucking beliefs is headed some where.. What you should do is use that Bad Bitch as motivation to get your life in order and your shit together.. Ask that Bad Bitch for some advice or study her and take notes.. You don't have to be a DUMB HATIN ASS BITCH, you can be a Bad Bitch too.. But 1st you have to accept the fact that not only are you a DUMB BITCH but you're a DUMB HATIN ASS BITCH TOO.. Once you've accepted it and are ready to move past it.. You will see that you can be something too, you can dream, and have hopes and aspirations too.. You weren't born a DUMB BITCH, you just became one by default.. So see DUMB BITCHES.. their is hope for you after all.. :o)

Ms. I am so sick of that DUMB BITCH

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