Monday, May 4, 2009

OCTO-MOM Nominated for the HIGHLY Coveted position as the 2009 DUMB BITCH of THE YEAR!!

Okay, I'm sure at this point you've all heard of this DUMB BITCH that goes by the name OCTO-MOM. Her real name is (Nadya) Sulman, which pisses me the FUCK off because that's MY FUCKING NAME! (different spelling) But in any event it's still the same fucking name, and I don't fucking appreciate this DUMB BITCH bearing my fucking name!! She is a disgrace to all of the Nadya's of the world!! Ughh

In any event, for those of you that don't know who this DUMB BITCH is, here's a mini Bio.. Apparently this dizzy bitch already had 6 kids but went and got her self knocked up and pissed out 8 fucking more!!

Bitch are you fucking serious?!? What part of that plan seemed like a good fucking idea?? First off, why the fuck did you already have 6 fucking kids any damn way!?! What the fuck is your problem you FUCKTARD!?!

So now on top of all of this, the 6 + 8 to make OCTO-MOM, she can't find anything better to do with her time other than, going out and getting a fucking TATTOO?!? Bitch you have 14 fucking KIDS!! Getting a Tattoo should be at the bottom of your list!! No, what the fuck am I saying, getting a Tattoo shouldn't even be on your list!!

Lord Have Mercy on this DUMB BITCHES soul, because I am pretty certain she is headed straight to fucking hell, for this ridiculously SELFISH act!! Who the fuck needs and or wants 14 fucking kids? Bitch this ain't no third world country!! We have much better shit to do, than pissing out 14 kids here in these GREAT UNITED STATES!!

Well, I don't know how ya'll feel about the Bullshit, but I personally think, the DUMB BITCH needs the holy fucking shit beat out of her!

Here is a link of the bitch getting a Tattoo, with 14 stars.. Aww how thoughtful you DUMB BITCH!!

Nadya Sulman you are here by nominated and awarded the Title of The 2009 DUMB BITCH of THE YEAR!! Kudos, good job you FUCKTARD!!

Ms. I am so sick of that DUMB BITCH

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