Tuesday, March 31, 2009

DUMB BITCHES that can't even lie STRAIGHT!!

Hey All...

Okay, this is going to be short, sweet, and to the Motherfucking point!!!

Listen up you DUMB BITCHES, If you are going to lie, tell a lie that DOESN'T easily expose YOU as a fucking LIAR you DUMB BITCH!!

Why the fuck would you concoct a lie that doesn't require more than 1 phone call to disprove?? What kind of FUCKTARD are you?? Seriously!! Seek help you DUMB BITCH, seek help!!

Ms. I am so sick of that DUMB BITCH

Sunday, March 29, 2009

DUMB BITCHES that would rather take care of some LAZY ASS MAN than themselves or their Children!!

Okay.. These particular DUMB BITCHES get under MY FUCKING skin and on my DAMN NERVES!!! Ughhh!!!

I am sick and fucking tired of DUMB BITCHES that would much rather take care of some good for nothing LAZY ASS MAN, than herself or her children!! BITCH get your fucking life together!!

Why would you spend HUNDREDS or THOUSANDS of dollars on a man that isn't YOURS when you have YOURSELF and YOUR CHILDREN to care for?? What kind of FUCKTARD are you?? You haven't paid any of your fucking bills, but you bought your "Boo" some new sneakers!! You haven't paid YOUR rent, but you paid your "Boo's" car note and insurance (because how was he gone get to the club to mack on some more DUMB ASS BITCHES like you!)! You are so fucking pathetic and desperate that it's a damn shame!! You can't take your kid to a movie, because you had to pay your "Boo's" cell phone bill!! YOU ARE ONE OF THE WORSE KINDS OF DUMB BITCHES.. Please know that FACT BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT!! Oh, and please believe the list of DUMB BITCH shit you do for your "Boo" goes on!!

Let me clue your DUMB BITCH ASS in on something.. A man that truly cares for you.. WOULD NEVER TAKE FOOD OUT OF YOUR MOUTH OR THE MOUTH'S OF YOUR CHILDREN!!! A man that truly cares for you, will be MORE interested in putting FOOD into your mouth and the mouth's of your children!! Your "Boo" DOESN'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOUR DUMB BITCH ASS!! He is using you and manipulating you because YOU ARE WEAK!!! And, more importantly he knows that YOU ARE JUST THAT FUCKING DESPERATE!! He laughs at you behind your back, he talks about you behind your back, and secretly YOU DISGUST HIM!!! He will never WIFE you because 1. HE'S NOT A REAL MAN and 2. A DUMB BITCH isVER EVER viewed as WIFE MATERIAL!!

Get YOUR fucking priorities straight YOU DUMB BITCH!! Because when a man sees that you value YOURSELF and YOUR CHILDREN above HIM.. He will know that he will have to value you and them the same or HE HAS TO KICK ROCKS!! You should want a man that enhances YOU!! NOT one that takes from you!! But... Because YOU ARE A DUMB BITCH you don't get that!! LMAO... You actually think that LAZY ASS MAN LOVES YOU!!! But, I guess that's what separates DUMB ASS BITCHES like YOU from REAL ASS BITCHES like ME!!

Ms. I am so sick of that DUMB BITCH

DUMB BITCHES who always make themselves out to be the VICTIM!!

Hey All..

I know it's been a minute.. But, now I'm back, so rest easy!! :o)

Okay, so today I want to talk about DUMB BITCHES that always like to take on the role of the victim and pretend like they NEVER EVER do anything wrong.. Every time some shit goes down, the first thing they do is take on the naive roll.. Well I don't know what happened, I don't know why she's/he's mad.. I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!! I AM INNOCENT AND PERFECT.. WHYYYY IS EVERYONE ALWAYS PICKING ON ME!!! Listen here you DUMB BITCH!! Just stop and be still, because that BULLSHIT you pulling isn't fooling anyone.. Well it's fooling those that apparently still don't have the basic desire to uncover the truth.. BUT that's about it!! Because the rest of the world is already on to your BULLSHIT!! The rest of the world already KNOWS that YOU are FULL OF SHIT, YOU DUMB BITCH!!

YOU are NOT a fucking victim, the problem is.. YOU think that for what ever reason, if you keep dishing out shit with a smile on your face.. Then it's OKAY and you're not really dishing out SHIT!! BUT I'm on to you, YOU DUMB BITCH!! I KNOW that YOU ARE FULL OF SHIT and get off on portraying yourself as the victim.. BUT YOU'RE NO VICTIM.. You just crawled your ass up the wrong fucking tree this time.. And now.. For this.. YOU WILL PAY!! In the words of Canibus (The Rapper) I see the BITCH in you and I'm a make the WORLD see it too MOTHERFUCKER!!!!

The next time you want to go to war.. Make sure you're going to war with someone YOU have a slight to remote chance of beating!!! Because I WAS BUILT FOR WAR!! I WAS BORN TO DO THIS YOU DUMB BITCH!!! Just read My Bio.. I'M THE BEST TO EVER DO IT.. PLEASE BELIEVE IT!!

They say it's lonely at the top.. But what they forgot to tell you.. Is that when the world catches on to your little act, when the world really starts to see you as you are.. It will be even lonlier at the BOTTOM.. But I guess you already know this.. Considering THAT'S WHERE YOU ARE!!! LMAO

Ms. I am so sick of that DUMB BITCH

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Hey All...



Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Okay Ladies.. This topic is NO JOKING Matter!! And let me start by 1st saying that I am PISSED the FUCK off about the media turning Rihanna into the poster-child for Domestic Violence and making Chris Brown out to be the fucking DEVIL!! Now I'm NOT in any way shape or form condoning a man hitting on a woman for any fucking reason.. But what I am saying is that Domestic Violence did not start with the 2 love struck young birds and it will NOT end with them.. So GET THE FUCK OVER IT AMERICA!!!

Now back to my regularly scheduled bitching!!

Listen up you DUMB BITCH.. Before I go in on your ass answer me this.. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU.. THAT YOU WOULD LET SOME DUMB FUCK BITCH ASS NIGGA CONTINUOUSLY WHIP ON YOUR FUCKING ASS??? Are you some kind of fucktard?? Seriously.. Now this doesn't apply to women who were struck once and got the fuck out.. Because you women are very smart and I commend you on your courage and your will to live.. Kudos to you!!! But for you DUMB BITCHES that stay.. I barely feel fucking sorry for you.. I damn near feel like your DUMB BITCH ASS deserves it!! Why the fuck are you still there?? Do you like it?? What the fuck are you so afraid of?? Because if you stay that DUMB MOTHERFUCKER is sure to fucking kill you!!!

Fear is a crippling disease Ladies.. And I know that some of you are afraid to leave because he may find you and whip your ass or find you and kill you.. But what I don't get is.. why the fuck aren't you afraid that he will come home pissed tonight and kill your DUMB BITCH ASS any fucking way.. If you're going to die.. you might as well die fighting!!!

I don't give a fuck if you have no money and no place to go, I don't give a fuck if you have no plan.. Because you DON'T NEED a plan to get the fuck away from someone who is causing you bodily harm because he's some kind of deranged fucktard.. Let me clue your scary ass in on something.. HE WILL NEVER EVER CHANGE!!! HE WILL NEVER EVER STOP BEATING ON YOUR ASS!! HE DOESN'T MEAN IT WHEN HE SAYS HE'S SORRY!! BECAUSE TRUE CHANGE COMES FROM WITHIN.. NOT FROM SOMEONE ELSE PRAYING AND HOPING THAT YOU WILL CHANGE!! A woman beater is a LIAR therefore you CAN NOT trust ANYTHING he says!! Get it?? Got it?? Good!!! Now, I know that you are scared, and my heart breaks for you.. it truly does.. In fact I pity you, because your fear is what has you in that situation and it is what is keeping you there!!. You have to STOP being afraid and get ready to fight.. get ready to take your fucking life back!! The bullshit STOPS right here and right fucking now!!

This is what I want you to do tonight before you go to bed.. I want you to pray that God deliver you from this situation and this is the prayer that I want you to say..

Dear God, I am sick and tired of this FUCKTARD whippin on my ass, and I'm scared out of my fucking mind!! I don't have any money, and I have no place to go.. BUT I have to get the fuck out of here.. This burden is too much for my heart and soul to carry so I'm placing it in your hands.. Tomorrow when I wake up I'm getting the FUCK out of here and placing my life and destiny on your shoulders so that you may carry this weight for me!! I have nothing left and nothing to lose, I pray that I make it out safely but if something should go terribly wrong.. I pray that my life and death will be an inspiration for others to get out before it is too late.. I pray that if I die my death can save the life of another. Dear GOD I hope that you have heard my prayer this evening, because today is the day, I've decided to take my life back.. I pray that you give me strength, courage, and wisdom to make it through, You are MY rock, MY everything, MY shelter in the storm, and in YOU ALONE I TRUST! Amen

The next day all you have to do.. is fulfill your end of the bargain and GET THE FUCK OUT!! God did NOT bless you with life to watch that DUMB FUCKTARD beat you down!! He wants more and better for you, but you have to want it for yourself!! When you walk out of that house, apartment, or situation the next day.. BITCH RUN LIKE HELL AND DON'T stop until you can't run anymore.. Stop somebody anybody and ask for help.. God will place an angel in your path to aid you.. but you have to have FAITH that he will save you and deliver you from that fucked up ass situation!! Shit you ain't got your life or freedom anymore.. so all you have is your FAITH.. hold on to it, believe in it.. and it will set you free...


When you reach somewhere safe.. a friends house, the home of a family member, a neighbors house, a strangers house, THE POLICE STATION!! Call them, and tell them your situation.. I don't care where you are or what you have.. THEY WILL GET YOU THE FUCK AWAY FROM THAT MONSTER!!!!

I know that starting over can be scary for some of you, and may damn near seem impossible.. But NOTHING is impossible.. when you have faith!! I've witnessed women over come Domestic Abuse and I know that YOU can over come it too!! Take Back Your Life.. TODAY IS THE DAY!!!

And when you get away from that deranged DUMB BITCH motherfucker.. Bitch.. PLEASE take some self-defense classes, learn Karate, or learn how to bust a cap in a motherfuckers ass effectively.. SHOOT TO KILL YOU DUMB BITCH!!!!

Ms. I am so sick of that DUMB BITCH
May God be with you on your journey...


Let me start by saying.. SELF-Hate and LOW SELF-Esteem are killers you DUMB BITCH!!

Now a quote from one of my faithful and wonderful readers..

"I met a Bumb B*TCH who told me she didn't want a dark baby! What the F*&^. babies take on characteristics and genes from different family members. Who knows how they will come out? Chasing a light or white person will not guarantee a light baby and what the F&*^! So Darker complected babies are not as beautiful and gorgeous as light skin babies? DUMB B*TCH!"

Now.. back to my regularly scheduled bitching!!

Look here you DUMB BITCH, let me clue your ass in on something... The only reason your black ass wants a white/light baby is because you hate your fucking self and because you have LOW Self-Esteem!! If you are so fucking concerned about what complexion your baby is going to be or how nappy their hair is going to be.. THEN DON'T FUCKING REPRODUCE!! Because GOD forbid you don't have the little white/light baby you want all you're going to do is teach that child how to hate themselves the way that you hate YOU!! You are a pathetic disgrace to our race!! BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL!!! It always has been and it always will be!!

Stop looking at your baby when he/she turns 2 and wondering what happened to the straight hair he/she was born with!!! And better yet stop telling people I don't know what happened, he/she was born with a head full of straight/curly hair!!! I will tell you what the fuck happened!!!! NATURE YOU DUMB BITCH!!! NATURE HAPPENED!!! Your placenta permed/relaxed the baby's hair you moron!! THAT is WHY your baby was born with curly/straight hair!!! NOT because your Grandma's Best Friends Uncle was Native American you SELF-Hating DUMB BITCH you!!! Not because your Great-great-great-great uncle was half-fucking white!! So just stop it you DUMB BITCH!! Know for a FACT and with out a doubt, that while your child "may" pickup a recessive gene and come out light complected, or with hair that isn't as coarse as yours.. That the chances of your baby coming out just like you or it's father IS HIGHER!!! Accept it and deal with it!! As a matter of fact what you need to be most concerned with is that the baby doesn't turn out to be an IGNORANT SELF-HATING FUCKTARD LIKE YOU, YOU DUMB BITCH!!!

Ms. I am so sick of that DUMB BITCH

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

DUMB BITCHES that can't resist jumping on the Band Wagon!!

Okay people.. Is it just me or do you just hate DUMB BITCHES that insist on jumping on your band wagon.. Oh you know the kind.. Anything you do.. either they've done it, were just about to do it, or now they want to do it too?? I hate those unoriginal DUMB ASS BITCHES!! Bitch get a fucking mind of your own and stop trying to use mine!! It's almost like they've never had one original fucking thought!! I hate those BITCHES!! You go into a store and buy something, all of a sudden they have to have the same damn thing, or they wait a few days and pop up at your crib with the same damn shirt/pants/hat/glasses/shoes/sneakers that they witnessed you purchase!! And what makes it worse.. That's right.. When they say, Oh you have this.. Girl I forgot you bought this!! Bitch no the fuck you didn't!!! Or they see you rocking your new hairdo and what do they say.. Oh I used to have my hair cut like that too, but I decided to let it grow out, or I was just about to get that haircut too.. Bitch NO the fuck you weren't!! Sometimes I wonder what'll happen to those DUMB BITCHES if I just up and decide to pull a disappearing act?? They would run around like chickens with their little fucking heads cut off!! Bitch stop trying to be like me and figure out who the fuck you are!! I hate those DUMB BITCHES.. Oh I did that, Oh I was about to do that, Oh I think I'm going to do that too... No BITCH don't.. Just Stop, Be Still, And get your shit together!! Get of my dick you DUMB BITCH!!! Because at the end of the day no matter how hard you try.. You can NEVER EVER BE ME!!

Ms. I am so sick of that DUMB BITCH

Monday, March 23, 2009

DUMB BITCHES who insist on Self-Publishing!!

This rant is courtesy of one of my faithful and wonderful readers..

Okay.. This applies to both men & women!!

Self-Publishing can be a wonderful thing.. And I commend anyone who has done it or is trying to do it!!

BUT.. this is where the DUMB BITCH shit comes in.. Just because you have a great idea, and or concept for a book.. Doesn't necessarily make you the worlds greatest writer!! If you are going to self-publish.. You still NEED an EDITOR!! You still NEED a PR person/firm!! YOU CAN NOT do EVERYTHING YOURSELF you DUMB BITCH!! Because even if the content of your book is wonderful, and the story is great.. Your readers will not be able to read pass the FACT that the author is a DUMB IGNORANT BITCH with absolutely NO business savvy!! Do your research, find out exactly what the business entails.. What is and isn't appropriate for a book signing/release party.. Let me clue your simple DUMB ASS in on something.. Buying Punch from your local $1.00 store IS NOT FUCKING APPROPRIATE!! You want people to come out and support you and that is how you show them your gratitude.. By serving $1.00 Punch and ham sandwiches??? BITCH are you serious?? What kind of fucktard are you??? Another no, no. you DUMB BITCH.. Why the fuck would you allow other vendors to come to your party and sell shit that is totally unrelated to your book?? All you're doing is taking the focus off of you and your book and placing it else where.. But then again considering the fucked up ass grammar in your book.. perhaps those were your intentions?? Hmm it would make sense ;o/

Bottom line you DUMB BITCH.. Find yourself an EDITOR, Find yourself a reputable PR person/firm and more importantly FIND A FUCKING CLUE YOU DUMB IGNORANT BITCH!! Oh and that thank you e-mail??Bitch have you ever heard of the term SPELL CHECK??? Look it up and apply it please!! B. Swangin Webster.. I'm talking to you.. YOU DUMB BITCH!! That bullshit as signing party was unprofessional and a bit offensive to your "supporters"!!

Get your shit together you sloppy, ignorant.. DUMB ASS BITCH!!

Ms. I am so sick of that DUMB BITCH

Sunday, March 22, 2009

DUMB BITCHES & Relationships!!

Okay.. this applies to both men & women!!

STOP.. Taking advice in regards to relationships from your DUMB BITCH FRIENDS!! Just STOP!!!

Ladies.. If you have a man.. and YOU're happy with him, stop listening to your DUMB BITCH friend tell you why you shouldn't be with him, and why he isn't a good man for you!! Instead.. Cut that DUMB BITCH off mid-sentence and tell her to shove her fucking opinion up her ass, because you don't want to fucking hear it!!! Don't let that DUMB NEGATIVE ASS BITCH poison your mind and fuck up what YOU think is a good thing!! Because at the end of the day.. YOU are the one in the relationship NOT her!! And tell her that.. "Well BITCH be happy it's me and not you!" Then go home and enjoy your man, while that DUMB LONELY BITCH goes home to bask in her fucking misery!! LMAO @ all the DUMB BITCHES of the world!!

Men.. If you have a woman.. and YOU're happy with her.. READ WHAT I WROTE ABOVE AND APPLY IT TO YOUR SITUATION!!!

Get it ?? Got it?? GOOD!!

The point of this blog... Know beyond a reasonable doubt that a DUMB BITCH male or female can NEVER EVER give you GOOD advice!! Misery loves company.. So ask yourself.. Do I want to risk ending up in the DUMB BITCH club??? Because that is exactly what will happen if you listen to their DUMB BITCH ASS!!

Ms. I am so sick of that DUMB BITCH

DUMB BITCHES learn how to peep game from LAME ASS DUDES!!

Hey Ladies..

Today I'm going to do something a little different. Today, I'm going to clue you all in on how to peep LAME ASS GAME from a LAME DUMB BITCH ASS NIGGA!!

1st off Ladies.. Know your worth!! Now some of us are worth a lot, and some of you aren't really worth shit... Know YOUR worth..

2nd.. watch out for lame ass game.. If the 1st thing a dude tells you after you meet is how he's always busy because he stays on his grind or because he has to watch his kids.. THAT MEANS = BITCH I AIN'T GOT NO TIME FOR YOU!! If he likes to spend way too much time talking about all the bills he has to pay.. THAT MEANS = BITCH DON'T ASK ME FOR NOTHING BECAUSE I'M A CHEAP FUCK! If he's always telling you some wild ass story about his friend and how he degrades women in any way shape or form.. THAT MEANS = BITCH I WOULD TELL YOU THAT I'M THE ASSHOLE THAT DID ALL OF THOSE THINGS BUT I CAN'T BE HONEST WITH YOU BECAUSE I'M STILL TRYING TO FUCK YOU!! Ladies you have to learn how to read between the lines!!! Stop running your damn mouth so much and let him speak.. A man will let you know his intentions and what kind of dude he is.. IF you just let him do the talking!! Learn how to peep LAME ASS GAME! And don't ever never fuck a nigga because you THINK that after you fuck him, he will start spending that cash!! If he ain't spend it before, in an attempt to get the ass.. He sure as hell isn't going to spend it after he gets it!!! GET IT? GOT IT? GOOD!!

3rd Bitch.. if you don't have anything.. i.e. an education, your own place, your own car, SOMETHING, ANYTHING that is YOURS.. stop talking about what a nigga has to have to fuck with you. BECAUSE A NIGGA THAT GOT.. WANTS A BITCH THAT GOT!! We are in a recession.. No one is looking for a delusional DUMB ASS BITCH, that is looking to be carried!! Know YOUR worth!! Work on getting your shit together, before you start worrying about what some nigga has to offer you!

4th Bitch.. if you have your own.. i.e education, place, car, career.. STOP dealing with LAME DUMB BITCH NIGGAS that don't have shit!! Know YOUR worth.. You can do better and you deserve better.. Because all his DUMB BITCH HATIN ASS is gonna do is try to tare you down, and make you feel like shit.. because you have your shit together!! What you need to do is find a MAN worthy of YOU!!! STOP SETTLING!!

So today's lesson is.. 1. Learn how to peep game & 2. Know YOUR worth!

Ms. I am so sick of that DUMB BITCH

DUMB BITCHES that used to have it.. But ain't got it no more!! GET OVER IT!!

This DUMB BITCH rant is courtesy of one of my faithful readers.. And it goes a lil something like this.. LMAO

I got a dumb bitch dat never keep a job but always complaining about the people that got jobs I mean this dumb bitch living off the system cashing in food stamps and begging but still think she flyer than everybody she knows. Always talking about what she used to have and how much it cost but bitch you don't got it now so what the fuck who cares. Always hating but can't bring shit to the table and saying watch ya'll © I show them how to do it wen I get a job but NEVER keeps one. Totally obsessed with celebrities and and can't even keep a ☎ on more than two months (dat would β wen the bill is due) and all her ☎ is in her kids name. And last but not least she think she know everything but don't know shit well SHIT

Ms. I am so sick of that DUMB BITCH

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Act your age you DUMB BITCH!!

I can't stand all of these old heifers (40+).. that walk around acting and talking like school girls! And I don't want to hear.. well I don't feel old.. Bitch, no one asked you how you felt, and this isn't about how you feel.. this is about what you are.. and what you are is OLD!! So please stop acting like you're not!! Stop wearing your teenage daughters clothing, stop getting tattoos, stop talking about what clubs are poppin, and what shorties, or dudes you just met!! Grow the fuck up you DUMB SIMPLE BITCH!! Just STOP!! You look fucking pathetic, and the only reason these young men are paying you any attention is because they know you're DESPERATE and that you will pretty much do anything in an attempt (a sad one) to keep there attention on you!! i.e. Buy them things, loan them your car, cook for them (and wrap it up for him to take home, because he is not about to sit and have dinner with your old hag looking ass), finance him his own car, and the list goes on.. You know exactly what the fuck you do.. You pathetic DUMB BITCH!!

Just stop.. what are you afraid of.. Oh I know.. you know a man your age doesn't want you either... He either wants something young and tender or a woman of a certain age who has embraced it and is ready to move on to the next chapter of her life. He doesn't want some old heifer in her 40's that acts like she's 20 you DUMB BITCH!! In the end all you're doing is short changing yourself!!

Please do us all a favor.. Get a grip and Find a fucking clue!!! Because at the end of the day a woman in her 40's that behaves as if she is in her 20's is just sad and pathetic.. GROW UP YOU DUMB BITCH!!

Ms. I am so sick of that DUMB BITCH

Dumb Bitches in DENIAL!

I can't stand DUMB BITCHES that sell themselves dreams!! He doesn't call you.. BECAUSE HE DOESN'T LIKE YOU!! Not because he's busy! He doesn't go out with you.. BECAUSE HE DOESN'T THINK YOU'RE WORTH A LOUSY MOVIE AND DINNER!! Not because he's a homebody!! He spends more time with his friends than he does with you.. BECAUSE HE LIKES THEM MORE THAN YOU!! Not because he just got caught up and forgot you were waiting on him!! He doesn't fuck you.. BECAUSE HE IS FUCKING SOMEONE ELSE!! Not because he's tired!!

The bottom line is you need to wake the fuck up and deal with reality!! He doesn't like you, he doesn't love you and he NEVER will..! He fucks you when ever he wants to, because 1. you make yourself available to be fucked and 2. because the chic he really wants to fuck is unavailable!! You are insignificant to him!!! You always have been, and you always will be!

Stop calling him your man.. Stop calling him your Boo.. Stop lying to yourself you DUMB BITCH!! Wake the fuck up and deal with the reality of the situation.. Because all you are to him.. is an INSIGNIFICANT PIECE OF ASS you DUMB BITCH!!

Ms. I am so sick of that DUMB BITCH

Friday, March 20, 2009

HATERS.. The worse kind of DUMB BITCH!

Okay .. I fucking hate a hater.. I hate people that try their very best to shoot down the dreams and hopes of others.. just because they have none.. You know the type.. No matter how great your idea may be.. they just have to shit on it!! No matter how good your business plan may be they just have to give you all of the reasons why their DUMB BITCH ASS doesn't think it will work.. I fucking HATE HATERS!! Listen here you DUMB BITCH.. just because your pathetic life is headed no where fast doesn't mean that you should hate on and try to shit on your friend, whose life contrary to your stupid fucking beliefs is headed some where.. What you should do is use that Bad Bitch as motivation to get your life in order and your shit together.. Ask that Bad Bitch for some advice or study her and take notes.. You don't have to be a DUMB HATIN ASS BITCH, you can be a Bad Bitch too.. But 1st you have to accept the fact that not only are you a DUMB BITCH but you're a DUMB HATIN ASS BITCH TOO.. Once you've accepted it and are ready to move past it.. You will see that you can be something too, you can dream, and have hopes and aspirations too.. You weren't born a DUMB BITCH, you just became one by default.. So see DUMB BITCHES.. their is hope for you after all.. :o)

Ms. I am so sick of that DUMB BITCH

Contacting ME

Hello All..

It has come to my attention, that while some of you may want to post your stories and or comments about the Dumb Bitches in your life, you are a little hesitant to do so, because the Dumb Bitch that you want to write about is also a faithful reader of my blog.. I completely understand, and so I have come up with a solution for you :o) You don't have to thank me..

Please e-mail me your story at
MsSoSick@aim.com and I will write about it on my blog letting everyone know that the story is courtesy of one my wonderful readers..

If you yourself are in a DUMB BITCH situation and you need help getting out of it, or you just want my advice and or opinion please feel free to email me at
MsSoSick@aim.com and I will tell your story and answer your question and or give you advice on the blog as well.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Ms. I am so sick of that DUMB BITCH

My 2 cents on Dumb Bitches having babies

Listen up you DUMB ass BITCH.. If you already have a child that you can't properly provide for.. i.e. food, clothing.. then you shouldn't EVEN consider having another!! But since you're a DUMB BITCH you're going to try and have one any way aren't you?? And then what are you going to do.. Oh I know.. Then you're going to go jump your DUMB BITCH ass on welfare and COMPLAIN about how they want you to work for your check!! Well here is what I want you to do.. I want you to find a clue and get a fucking grip you DUMB BITCH!! Try taking care of the fucking kid you have now before you lay down on your DUMB BITCH back and try having another!! Don't you think fucking up the life of one kid is enough.. NOOOO of course you don't because.. You're a DUMB BITCH, that's why!

Ms. I am so sick of that DUMB BITCH

DUMB BITCHES that are UGLY as hell and think they're cute!

I know this DUMB BITCH that is always in the club, frontin and stuntin, posing for flics and she is UGLY as SHIT!!! This bitch is soooo fucking delusional that she often refers to herself as a DIVA?? Bitch are you serious.. I HOPE NOT.. Here is a bit of advice.. stop posing for flics because not only are you ugly but you look pregnant too!! And if you are not pregnant, that's NOT a good look!! Bitch keep your ugly ass up out the club and do some fucking crunches instead!!! You're NOT a DIVA.. You're just an UGLY , BALD HEADED, BAD SKIN HAVING, PREGNANT LOOKING, DUMB ASS BITCH!!!

Ms. I am so sick of that DUMB BITCH

Dumb Bitch Wake the HELL UP!!

I know a DUMB BITCH whose man got caught at a club on GAY night---He told her he didn't know it was GAY night----but when he realized it he had already paid his money, so he decided to stay.....She believed his ass!!I'm like DAMN YOU A DUMB BITCH!!

Ms. I am so sick of that DUMB BITCH

Babies are NOT a come up You DUMB BITCH!!

I know a DUMB BITCH that keeps having babies with African men looking for a come up! I'm like BITCH you on baby #3 and you're living with your best-friends mother..Don't you get it?? Babies are not a come up!!! I'm just like DAMN YOU A DUMB BITCH!!!

Ms. I am so sick of that DUMB BITCH

Nasty Dumb Bitch!

I know this DUMB BITCH that has herpes on her lip, and she tries to hide it by piling tons of make up on top of it! I'm like HELLOOOOO I can still see it!! Sometimes I look at her and all I can think to myself is DAMN YOU 1 NASTY ASS DUMB BITCH!!!

Ms. I am so sick of that DUMB BITCH

Dumb Bitches that fuck for free!

I am sick and tired of all you DUMB ASS BITCHES who stay fuckin these niggas for FREE!! Stop letting niggas come to your crib, eat your food, smoke your weed, drink your liquor, and use your pussy for his own selfish reasons, (because I know the nigga don't care if you get yours) and leave with out breaking you off!! Then you want to call your friends and borrow money that, that nigga OWE YOU!! Let me clue your DUMB ASS in.. when you call your friends, do you know what they are saying about you.. DAMN YOU A DUMB ASS BITCH!!!!! If you're going to fuck for free.. then fuck yourself you DUMB BITCH!!!

Ms. I am so sick of that DUMB BITCH

Dumb Bitches that are too fucking old to be DUMB BITCHES!!

I hate DUMB BITCHES in their late 30's and 40's that still don't have their shit together!! Bitch, life is not a fucking dress rehearsal, you don't get a fucking do-over!! Stop trying to live vicariously through your fucking child(ren) !!! Get your shit together, because when the world looks at you all we see is another DUMB BUM ASS BITCH!!!

Ms. I am so sick of that DUMB BITCH

Broke ass Niggas.. that stay frontin!!!

I hate Dumb Bitch niggas that are always talking about getting money but every time you turn around their DUMB BITCH ass is broke?? No nigga you're not gettin money, you're hallucinating about getting money. LOL you're not a hustler Boo.. You're just a DUMB BITCH nigga!!

Ms. I am so sick of that DUMB BITCH

My 2 cents about Keep a Nigga Babies

Okay Ya'll..I know that their are quite a few DUMB BITCH scenarios that get under my skin, and I've Bitched about some of them here already.. But at the tip top of that list are all you DUMB BITCHES that keep trying to lock a nigga down or force him to be a part of your pathetic lives with Keep a Nigga Babies!!Listen here you DUMB BITCH!!! What you need to do is get a grip and find a fucking clue!!! Because a Baby ain't keeping no nigga around!!! Stop pushing out those little Bastards if you don't want them.. Because if the Daddy didn't want them when your ass got knocked up, he sure as hell ain't gonna want it when you drop!!!So stop trying to keep a nigga in your life by having his Baby, because all you're doing is bringing another fatherless Bastard into this world, like we don't already have enough of those!!!Low Self-Esteem is a Killer, seek help bitch!!! Work on you before you try to work some psychological bull shit on him. At the end of the day all you are to him and everyone who knows you is a DUMB BITCH!!!!

Ms. I am so sick of that DUMB BITCH

Mothers and Sisters obsessed with their Sons and Brothers PLEASE READ!!

Okay.. I hate DUMB BITCH mothers and DUMB BITCH sisters who act like their son or brother is their Man!! Listen up you DUMB ASS BITCHES!! You are not the one who is fucking him, you are not the one he comes home too.. So STOP fucking acting like he is!!!Get your own fucking Man, stop calling him every second begging and shit!! Call that nigga that's fucking you! At the end of the day all you are is a lonely, pathetic, DUMB ASS BITCH who is getting fucked for free!!YOU DUMB BITCH!!

Ms. I am so sick of that DUMB BITCH

I am so sick of that DUMB BITCH!!

Hey All..

What's up?? It's me Ms. I am so sick of that DUMB BITCH!! Welcome to my world!! :o)

Okay.. so basically I decided to start this blog for one simple reason.. I am so sick of that DUMB BITCH!! What Dumb Bitch you ask.. EVERY Dumb Bitch that I've ever met, that's what Dumb Bitch!! It's 2009 and those Dumb Bitches are running wild and free with out a fucking care in the world! Well I have had ENOUGH of their DUMB BITCH shit and I have decided it's time to put those Dumb Bitches on blast and keep them on blast until they get their pathetic fucking lives in order!! The reign of the Dumb Bitch is over!!

Now, everyone has played the Dumb Bitch role at some point.. THIS GOES FOR MEN TOO.. so please don't exclude yourselves gentlemen!! But, my issues lie with those who insist on living in a state of Dumb Bitchness!! Every time you turn around they're just doing some more DUMB BITCH shit!!

So, if you're like me and you hate dumb bitches, and you need a place where you can rant and rave about all of the dumb bitches you know.. well then you have come to the right place. Everyone knows a dumb bitch, so please join me and tell me about the DUMB BITCH in your life!

Ms. I am so sick of that DUMB BITCH